Conference at the Cabin

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A lot has happened this week/weekend and there were a few last minute changes and adjustments to our schedules.  I had a busy work week along with a Relief Society activity so there was a lot of take-out for lunch and dinner (poor Zach) and a lot of random trips to Target for supplies.  In between the madness I did manage to spend the rest of my money from my gift card from my boss and scored my new favorite polish color!

[Neon + leather bag.  I can’t get over this neon craze, and I don’t really want to yet.]

[Green Tea by Sally Hansen]

We had scheduled the weekend at the Hendo Cabin and were planning on taking my friends, but the weekend didn’t work for everyone’s schedule.  So we decided to go up, just the two of us.

Then my parents, along with my Grandfather, were planning on going to New Orleans for the weekend – but when all three of them couldn’t hop onto a flight two nights in a row they decided to come up to the cabin with Zach and I last minute.  My brother and his girlfriend, Brittany came along for a few days as well.

We left Friday night and wasn’t expecting there to be much snow, but we were surprised when both of our vehicles (my Dad’s truck and our SUV) got stuck!  It was unexpectedly slippery and DEEP snow.  Luckily, my father-in-law had the same problem just a few days earlier and had left us the Ranger to go up in the snow.  But boys will be boys, and my Dad and Zach convinced themselves they could get out and up to the cabin without the Ranger.  Well….20 minutes later they were hiking back down to the Ranger [this is where my husband should have listened to me, but I try not to say “I told you so”] to shuttle people and all our stuff up to cabin.  I had to drive back down in the Ranger once all the people and bags were safe and warm to get Zach and my Dad after they had dug out both vehicles.  Even though my Dad got a lecture from my Grandpa about not having chains – I secretly think they had more fun digging out of the snow than unpacking all of the gear.

The rest of the weekend all melted together.  We watched several movies…

[Zach chose Las Vegas Vacation to watch – and my dad laughed the ENTIRE movie]

made delicious breakfasts (thank you Pinterest for my new favorite FRENCH TOAST BAKE)

helped my mom make some swag for Girls Camp, snacked too much,

slept in, lounged…

[my favorite spot in the whole place is a chaise lounge right in front of the tall windows]

and watched conference.

Pretty sure my Dad’s highlight of the weekend was singing along with the talking deer in the kids’ dining room.  This wasn’t the only time I caught him in there…

Sunday morning everyone slept in except my Dad and I – so he peeled me a snack and I ate it as I looked out the window [in the SAME spot I have been for two days!]  It was really peaceful and it even started to snow as we relaxed and chatted.

After the last session, Zach shuttled people back down to their cars to return home.  After a quick lunch and packing all our stuff, the two of us made the last leg down to our car to drive home.

Conference weekend is always so relaxing and rejuvenating.  Time with family, good food, and inspiration from the leaders of our church!

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