
I love my job.  I love my job.

I am so lucky that I get to design every day and get paid for it.  My dad always told me to pick a career I would do for free, and I am confident I have found it.

That doesn’t mean that everything always goes smoothly, unfortunately.  I got so stressed out over two inches worth of wood last week, that Zach and I decided that I was going to turn off my phone for the majority of the weekend so we could just be together with no interruptions.  It was heavenly.  No angry clients calling because we’re running behind schedule, no contractors asking ridiculous questions.

Friday, Zach and I got our new KING SIZE mattress.  Zach was worried it was going to be TOO soft when we tested it out the first time, I told him there was no such thing as “TOO SOFT”.  It’s the best mattress I’ve ever slept on…Zach is in love as well (as you can see).

We had a delicious dinner at PF Chang’s and saw a hilarious movie.  On the way home, he asked to get a Frazil from the gas station.  Then I wanted a popsicle.  Zach has got me HOOKED on these “All Fruit” popsicles, so I made him stop at the grocery store to get some more.  On the way to the frozen food section, he spotted the bread.  I believe he said, “What would it be like to have a chair made of bread?”  Then this happened….

So if you shop at the Smith’s in Bountiful…don’t buy any bread that has been smashed.  Also, you’d be surprised how many teenagers are at the grocery store at 11:45 at night.  Because while I was dancing wildly in the aisle and Zach was wondering “what a chair of rice would be like”, they caught us.  They pointed and laughed.  I thought my dance was pretty good, but that’s probably why my mom told me to “pick a new hobby” when I was younger.

Saturday we woke up early to go help my grandmother in her yard.  We had a pretty decent turn-out, and got a lot accomplished.  She loved her new flowers.

The rest of the day we spent working in our yard, doing laundry, and cleaning the house.  We didn’t get finished until 10:00 pm, and spent the rest of the night eating popsicles and watching Easy A.

I laughed the ENTIRE weekend.  Thanks to my husband, who makes me forget all the drama in the office, I enjoyed every second of it.  He’s my whole world.

  • Angie
    May 18, 2011

    If there ever was a post that made me miss you guys, this would be it.

  • Rach
    May 19, 2011

    Oh, Zach! only you would try to have a chair made out of bread, that is why I luv yah! I love your new “blog” katie! So cute:)