Highlight Reel

In case you didn’t know…

Football season is back in full swing.  Ahem…excuse me…PRE-SEASON Football is back in full swing.  Pre-Season, Regular Season, there’s no difference in our house.  WE. WATCH. EVERY. GAME.  So in tribute to the ‘magical week’, I am going to give you our very own Henderson Highlight Reel for the week/weekend.

Wednesday – I got to go out to dinner with my some of my ID friends and two of their DARLING minis.  AJ was just as cute, but I didn’t get a photo of her, unfortunately.

Friday – I miss my old co-workers.  They were such a big part of my life for two + years, and I was so glad that when Char came back to visit, she saved some time to go out to eat with us!  Janette, Char, and I all met up at Z’Tejas for some appetizers.  It was so great to catch up and hear the latest happenings.

Later that night, one of my mom’s best friends had a suite at the Bee’s Game and she asked if Zach and I wanted to come, along with my mom obviously, my brother and his ‘girlfriend (I call her that because she is, I don’t care what Blake says), and some family friends that we basically grew up with in my old home neighborhood, the Gwilliams!

Zach was overjoyed when he saw that there were hot dogs at his disposal.

Towards the end of the game, we even got a visit by Bee!  (I think his real name is Bumble?)

Truth be told, I was quite fond of Bee.  He was rather sweaty in that get-up though.  I even stole a kiss…or a bite?  Doesn’t matter, it was passionate.

Saturday – Slept in.  Slept through an AMBULANCE that came to help my neighbor who passed out after mowing the lawn.  So not only did we sleep through my neighbor mowing his lawn, but an ambulance and the sirens and all that jazz.  We are the worst neighbors ever.  Luckily some OTHER neighbors that were NOT sleeping in came to his aid.  Other than our lunch date, me cleaning the house, Zach killing the wasp nest ouside, and a bank teller at Wells Fargo telling Zach he has a “runner’s body”….?  That made up our Saturday morning and afternoon.  After all our chores were done, we drove off to Zach’s cousin’s wedding in Sandy, it was a Luau!  With roasted pig, and all!  There was a Snow Cone Shack, Pineapple Sparkle drinks, floating lilly pads in their pool, and a band!  The Hendersons really know how to throw a party, that’s for sure.

After the reception we stopped at Market Street to get a delish seafood dinner, which took so long we didn’t even make it to our movie.  I guess The Help will have to wait until next time.

Sunday – After our meetings we drove up to Zach’s parents house for Sunday Dinner.  We had Zach’s fav-ola, stir fry.  After dinner we had two visitors come over to our crib.  Gina and our niece Sammy came over for a visit.  I was very impressed.  Zach’s ‘kiddie’ skills are up to par.  They went to the park, played Angry Birds, watched some dance party show on the Disney Channel, and he even made her popcorn while she played something called Webkins?  Don’t ask, I don’t even know what it is.  He was so cute with Sam, and I know he will be just as great with our children!

The week shaped up to be stellar.  I would say a victory for our Henderson Highlight Reel!

1 Comment
  • Melinda Ruesch
    August 15, 2011

    katie you are a character! you crack me up! you and zach need your own reality show. i’d be your biggest fan!!!

    p.s. how embarrassing that i still have your book!