Mo Mummies: Mo Problems

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After all the excitement we had on V-Day, we decided to keep it low key over the weekend.  Friday was my cousin Carissa’s wedding – so Zach and I drove down to Salt Lake to celebrate with our family.  It was gorgeous, as expected.  My favorite part, besides seeing the beautiful bride and her new husband, was watching my cousin’s child, Xander [dressed in a Newsie-esque costume?] jumping off the stairs repeatedly.  And falling and rolling, repeatedly.

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After the reception Zach and I stopped for dinner and to purchase some treats from STF.  Three of my family members bought me gift cards there for my birthday, I think it is obvious that I have a problem…

Yes, we took our baked goods into the movie theater with us.  FYI:  Eating a sugar cookie out of a paper bag is not easy or quiet in the theater.


The next morning we had big plans.  We completed all of our Saturday chores, while watching the Art of Flight [to keep Zach motivated].


We also finished our guest bathroom.  Everything is hung and installed – the only thing left is to patch those freaking holes I made last week….


After all our duties were done around the house, we set off for City Creek.  We ate lunch at Red Iguana To Go.  In my opinion, just as good as the real Red Iguana, but you don’t leave smelling like Red Iguana.


We shopped around City Creek for a while until we moved on over to the Leonardo for the Mummies Exhibit.


Turns out we weren’t the only people with this exact same planeven though Zach thought going to see mummified bodies was weird.  There were no tickets available – they were completely sold out.  I am hoping they extend the exhibit for a few days…but until then, we will wait!  Zach could tell I was pretty bummed, so he drove me to Sweet Tooth Fairy.  Again.  Two times in two days.  The same girl was working there, and laughed when I walked through the door and made an identical order.


It was convenient, however…that STF is located very close to a certain hockey store.  I didn’t make the connection until after we had left The Player’s Bench…and by then I was already eating my cake bites, so I didn’t mind.



By the time we had looked through all the hockey sticks, tape, pads, and helmets…it was time for dinner.  We decided to stop at Tsunami for some sushi.


After dinner Zach begged me to stop and get popcorn at the nearby theater [thank heaven above we get Cinemark Coupons in the mail every week] so we could take it home to watch the Slam Dunk Competition.

We were a little disappointed that the Jazz’s Jeremy Evans didn’t win first place, but it was a blast to watch!

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After the winner was announced we hurried up to Bountiful to meet my brother, his girlfriend, and my mother to see a movie [my dad is still in Argentina, exploring].  My mom and Brittany wanted to see Safe Haven: not complaining – it stars Josh Duhamel, and we met them for the flick in our neck of the woods.  Turns out the film’s popularity must have died off after Valentine’s, because we were the only souls in the theater.



The movie was actually pretty decent, and it was fun to spend time with my family.  On an even better note – whilst jumping from seat to seat, I reached my daily Fuel Goal!  Bam!  [No it doesn’t calculate how many cake bites I ate, only how much I moved.]


Maybe Nike can create a Fuel band that will alert you when you are having too many chubby-girl tendencies?  I could have really used it at Sunday dinner the next night.

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