LP with the Hendersons / 2016

We left for Lake Powell Wednesday around lunchtime.  Zach got off work early and we got my car all loaded up an were on the road just after noon.  30 minutes into our drive Sloan passed out.  I’m grateful she got a nap in, because we had a 6+ hour drive ahead of us.  We only stopped TWICE, which will go down in the record books as the most efficient drive to LP…ever.  We made it to Antelope Point just as the sun was about to go down.  We managed to flag a cart and get all our stuff loaded on our houseboat in less than 30 minutes!  We unloaded all of our gear and got Sloan ready for bed in our room.  At the genius suggestion of my friend Lindsey, we brought an inflatable sleeping bag/mattress for Sloan to sleep on (the pack n play was too large to fit next to our bed in our room).  It worked like a charm and she was down for bed before the other two families joined us on our boat.


We unloaded the rest of the food and all of our coolers while the sun was setting.  Sunsets at Lake Powell are incredible.


Everyone soon arrived (8 families total) and we all settled in for the night at the marina.

The next morning the two houseboats, along with Zach’s brother Tony’s boat with his family, made our way to Face Canyon to our camp site where Mark and Jeanene were waiting for us.

sloan and i houseboat 1

sloan and i houseboat 2

It was nearly a 3 hour ride to Face Canyon – but Sloan was completely entertained being in a new environment.  When we arrived all the men worked on getting the houseboats anchored.  Not long after Zach decided use one of the jet skis to teach Sloan how to ski.  He was the driver, I was on the back – ready to jump in when she inevitably would fall.  I’ll admit:  I was a nervous wreck.  The handle bar Zach had made using PVC pipe seemed to keep Sloan really sturdy, so that eased my worries a bit.  I used our GoPro to film her first attempt.  Her uncle Sean sat in the water with her until it was go time, and with no trouble at all she popped right up on top of the water.

Sloan skiing

She wouldn’t stop smiling, and it was apparent how much she loved it.  I screamed obnoxiously the entire ride.  I still can’t get over how well she did.  My biggest concern was her falling, and she didn’t even flinch.  When we had made a few laps around our little cove we whipped her back around to the beach and her uncle Sean was right there to catch her.

sloan skiing 2

Her cousins were pumped for her and everyone wanted to take a turn!  So afterwards her cousin Jake took a spin.  He did great, but upon falling into the water took the PVC handle bar with him.  It sunk to the bottom of the lake – and if you’ve even been to Lake Powell you know how unpredictable it can be in terms of depth.  It was down and it was deep.  I was disappointed.  I knew she wouldn’t be able to ski anymore.  Zach convinced me to let her try it with just the rope handle bar that came with the ski.  I was even more nervous the second time around, especially without the “sturdy” handlebar.  Well wouldn’t you know it…she got right up again, without that stupid PVC handlebar.


sloan skiing 3

sloan skiing 4

I think this whole experience made me realize that I am a wuss parent.  I always worry so much that I find myself holding her back from things like this.  I’ve decided that I’m going to be the safety manager in this parenting partnership, but not keep her from doing things that she is completely capable of doing.  She is a thrill seeker, and there’s nothing I can do about it.  Except pray REALLY hard that she stays safe and that I keep a life jacket/pads/helmet on her and whatever else it takes.

The rest of our first day was spent swimming, eating, and being together with all of Zach’s family.  The kids used all the cheese flavored snacks to catch fish – and they were nothing but successful!


After dinner we bathed Sloan in the lake for her first time.  I’ve dreamt for a long time of the days when I could snuggle my own baby in a lifejacket on a rocking boat, or shampooing their hair out in the lake.  I grew up at Lake Powell – every summer for almost every year of my life.  The fact that Zach’s family also has this tradition makes me heart so happy, I can’t even tell you.

We got Sloan tucked into her blow-up bed and spent the “golden hour” together.  Zach and I took a jet ski out in the sunset.  We brought the baby monitor again, and Zach’s mom was kind enough to listen for Sloan while we played in the evenings.

jet ski sunset

Day two brought us more skiing for Sloan.  We did it almost every day we were there (except Sunday) and she couldn’t get enough.  She would cry her eyes out when someone else wanted a turn and she had to wait to ski again.  Zach’s brother Tony recovered the handle bar down deep in the water with some scuba goggles and Sloan was back in action.



Sloan loved being with her cousins, most of all.  She enjoyed playing with them, eating with them, spying over their shoulders to see whatever they were doing on their iPads.  It was non-stop fun and excitement for her.



During Sloan’s nap time Zach got to go surfing with his brothers on Tony’s boat.


When Sloan woke up from her nap, she was treated to a kayak ride with her dad, aunt Gina, and cousin Charlie.


We ate dinner and after we got Sloan all ready for bed and tucked in, Zach and I went on a sunset paddle board ride.

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Once we got back and all washed up, the adults played a Henderson favorite, “Wolf”.  Hendersons LOVE their games.  (I had never heard of Werewolf until I married into Zach’s family…)


The next morning a group of us went out for a spin on Mark’s ski boat to do some wake boarding.  A few of us, including myself, got to try our hand.  I haven’t wakeboard since I was 21 weeks pregnant, so it was really enjoyable to get out there again.


Sloan loved being on the boat, as long as it was going full speed.  I’m still surprised she didn’t hate her life jacket.  She kept it on without a  single complaint. IMG_2839

Later we all loaded up in the various boats and made our way back to Antelope Point for some dinner at the marina’s pizza restaurant.  We all left with ice cream – even Sloan got her own min swirl cup.



By the time we made it back to our campsite, it was time to get Sloan bathed and ready for bed.  She had had a long day and was totally beat.


She was all smiles when it came to bath time. IMG_2807

I tucked her into bed and she was out within minutes – and continued to sleep through all of the excitement of our adult game night.


The next morning we started off with a jet ski ride to a shady spot nearby our campsite.  Despite Sloan’s expression, she loved every second.  Until we stopped.  She wanted to keep moving.  She has a need for speed, I guess.


Sloan and Zach also had a little swim sesh afterwards to cool off [Sunday was by far the hottest day].


We also got a family photo – with our whole crew – before Tony and Katie and their kids left to go home.  Can you believe we all survived with this many people?

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It got windy and overcast later in the afternoon – so I strapped Sloan in the Ergo and the three of us went on a little hike for a good view.


Soon it was time for dinner, Sloan’s bedtime routine, and her last sleep in her blow-up bear bed.  She went down like a champ.

The next morning, bright and early, we pushed off shore and headed back to the marina.  It took a couple of hours to drive back – so Sloan enjoyed the view and the wind in her hair while I packed us all up and organized all of our gear to return home.  We all got loaded up and started our way back home.


Sloan was fantastic all the way home – up until the last 20 minutes.  Poor thing had WAY too much iPad time and was sick and tired of the same episode of Daniel Tiger over and over again.

We all hit the sack early that night – even Zach and I were out before 9:30 pm.  Sloan must have missed her own bed, because I had to wake the poor girl up at 9:00 am the next morning!  All the fun and sun wiped her out.

We are so grateful for this tradition with the Hendersons.  Yes – it is a lot of work, but as always MORE fun.  Another successful Powell trip in the books.  Thank you Mark and Jeanene for all the memories!






Just Keep Swimming

It’s been a good week in this Hendo house.  We’ve been going hard – just taking in all that is summer before it’s gone.  I feel like these last few weeks have been packed with appointments.  We had lunch with my grandpa this week to celebrate his birthday [forgot to take any photos], lunch with my sister-in-laws and mother-in-law for two of my SIL’s birthdays [again, didn’t take a single snapshot], had endless park runs/Target runs/Cutler’s runs.  I had a night this week where I felt completely pooped – work stuff had been weighing heavy on me and I had committed to help some friends and family with various projects.  I bathed Sloan and while tidying her room I caught this photo of her, fresh out of the tub.  Wet towel hair, smiling as big as ever.  It made me so grateful to her.  She always makes me forget the trivial things.  She also helps remind me about the real joys in life.  I always put Sloan first, which means my work stuff usually gets pushed until the late hours of the night.  It makes it hard to get up bright and early, but she always gives me this same smile.  So big, her checks just might burst.  Geez, I love this little girl.  This photo is everything to me.

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Sloan had her swimming certification this week.  She had two tests to pass:  the “Fall in and Float” in her summer clothes and the same test, but in full winter clothes.  Megan, the sweet girl who passed her off, let me get in the pool and take these shots.  Sloan CRUSHED both tests and passed with flying colors. IMG_2501

My eyes welled up with tears when I saw her floating in her heavy winter clothes.  I’ve been so worried about staying on a house boat for 6 days in Lake Powell and in this moment my heart felt so much lighter…

Yes, it was expensive.  Yes, it was an incredible time commitment on everyone’s part.  But seeing her successfully pass her certification made every second and dollar worth it.  I am so very proud of her.

Friday evening we went out to dinner as a family at Ti Amo in Bountiful – Sloan and I’s first time.  One of Sloan’s weaknesses is margherita pizza, which she inherited from me.

I’d still give From Scratch, Pizzeria Limone, and Arella a higher grade – but definitely worth a try!  However, Sloan gave the gelato an A+, so the night out was a success.


Saturday Sloan and Zach had a daddy / daughter date at Marine Products where Zach purchased her a “toy” for our upcoming Lake Powell trip.  I spent the morning battling the crowds at Costco getting my list checked off for the trip.  To be honest, I have been hesitant from the beginning to let Sloan try and waterski, but when Zach gets passionate about something…there’s no changing his mind.  He practiced with her out on the grass and it went better than all three of us expected.  She has excellent balance, which she did NOT inherit from me… FullSizeRender-1Then, right before Sloan’s nap, we all made a quick trip to the local hardware store to get a custom “handle bar” made for said ski.  Sloan is obsessed and made me pull her around for 20+ carpet runs when she awoke from her nap. FullSizeRender

I still don’t think she’ll like skiing as much on the actual water as the grass and carpet, but I can’t wait to see her give it a shot!  Either way, I’ll be proud she even tried.  I didn’t successfully waterski until I was over 8 years old – so she’s already got me beat.

The countdown is on:  2.5 days until we hit the road for LP.  Please bless I pack everything we need to survive with a toddler on a floating house.



Our Fourth

We’ve been spending 90 percent of our time either outside or at the pool.  It’s the only way we stay cool – Sloan gets easily overheated just like I do – so it’s just our current routine.  Sloan is her happiest running around outside, especially on the grass.  Our neighbor’s cat, even though it occasionally breaches Sloan’s comfort zone, has become one of the highlights of her evenings.  I realllllly don’t like cats and need to get over my irrational distaste for them.  Cause it turns out my daughter has a soft spot for animals.  One day our pet store visits are just not going to cut it.

Our Fourth of July holiday started out with my Fotheringham side down in South Jordan.  We had a family lunch/swim party at my aunt’s brother’s house.  Lots of family showed up and it was fun to see everyone.  Sloan cruised around the pool and was happy as could be.  FullSizeRender

Afterwards we drove back to North Salt Lake so Sloan could take an afternoon nap and then made our way up to Farmington.  Zach’s brother Tony was having a Fourth of July Party/Farewell Keaton [Keato] Celebration.  My nephew left on July 6th to the MTC and the Fourth was a great way for the family to send him off.  It’s weird to think we won’t have Keato at Lake Powell with us this year in a few short weeks.  He’ll be a fantastic missionary and will bless the people of Milan immensely.


After the party we drove back home, put Sloan to bed, and Zach and I set camp on our roof to watch the fireworks.  Our neighbors put in some serious work and we had quite the show!

Thursday is Zach and I’s new date night.  I had a family baby shower to attend, but afterwards Zach picked me up from the shower in Centerville and we made our way downtown.  We had a bite to eat and then walked around Temple Square.  It made me ache for the days when we lived a block away from this exact spot – in our 700 sq ft apartment.  It got dark quickly, but we enjoyed the views of the temple as the sun went down.


Zach and I have been really into grilling the last few weeks.  A few days ago, Zach requested grilled shrimp kabobs one night for dinner.  So I found a recipe where you marinate the shrimp in pineapple salsa.  It was BOMB.  I already have plans to make it again this week.  IMG_2369

I’ve kind of hit a lull in my fitness routine lately.  I run occasionally with some weights sprinkled here and there.  But since finishing BBG I have been a total slacker.  I just decided to switch it up.  So I tried swimming this week.  I only swam 30 laps with a few breaks (I used to be able to do 40+ laps without a single rest) but it kicked my trash.  Zach snapped this photo of me walking into the bathroom after my swim sesh.  I couldn’t raise my shoulders higher than pictured below (notice my left one goes a little higher than my right…)swimming

I did get to try out my new fitness watch I purchased and I have to say, I am a Garmin convert!  I don’t know why I have never had one before this.

We went to dinner this week at Cubby’s, just the two of us, and to a movie at the Cinemark with the recliners.  We wore comfy clothes and even though the movie was sub par – just being together was enough of a success for me.


Sloan is killing nursery.  Honestly, it still kind of pains me to admit it.  She still doesn’t even give us a backward glance when we leave her in there every Sunday.  I couldn’t be more heartbroken and proud at the same time.  I feel like she has already grown leaps and bounds since starting her in there.IMG_2479Speaking of leaps and bounds – Sloan’s swimming skills have improved immensely – even this week alone.  She can float all by herself and can scoot off the edge of the pool, into the water, and onto her back in a floating position unassisted.  Nothing makes me more proud than watching her learn new skills.  My heart could burst every time she sticks that little tongue out of hers while concentrating really hard.

Sunday after church we played in the backyard until it was time for dinner at my parents’ house in Draper.  These two can look like the spitting image of each other if you catch them in the right moment.  It makes me laugh how alike they act sometimes.  two peas

One of the highlights of our summer (ok, mine, I’ll be honest) is only a few weeks away!  I can’t wait for Sloan to experience Lake Powell for her first time.  I’m praying she loves it even a fraction as much as I did growing up.  I better keep praying…

Summer So Far

I’ll be honest, I’ve never been a big fan of the summer months.  I’m a total lightweight when it comes to high heat.  But Sloan has softened my heart towards all that is summer.  We spent every spare moment outside, mostly playing with Sloan’s new water table.  I could kiss whoever invited water tables right on the mouth.
FullSizeRender_1 We’ve been visiting the pool often, mostly to get Sloan more comfortable with the water when we go to Lake Powell with the Hendersons.  IMG_2233 IMG_2322 IMG_2323 She’s my daughter:  she loves accessories.  And summertime accessories especially.  If she’s not wearing sunglasses, she’s not about to have her after-nap snack.  FullSizeRender_2One of the first things we did when we got back from our family Eurotrip was to take Sloan to the Zoo.  I haven’t been to the Zoo in years.  Sloan was true to form:  she cared more about the other toddlers than any of the animals.



We’ve had a couple places on our list to try – one being Chronic Tacos in Sugarhouse.  It’s no Lonestar, but it was quite good!  Sloan gave her kid’s quesadilla an A+.

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It doesn’t make sense, but I’ve been on a baking kick lately.  Zach calls it a “roll”…because I’ve made homemade bread 5 times over the course of a few weeks.  I found the most amazing recipe for Bowl Bread [because you bake it in two Pyrex bowls in the oven] and we all can’t get enough of it.


I even tried my hand at Cutler’s glazed sugar cookies.  They were good – but not as good as the real deal.  That’s because there is crack in Cutler’s sugar cookies.  Pure, unfiltered crack.


Summer makes me even lazier when it comes to cooking genuine meals for the three of us – but I’m hooked on a crockpot mango chicken taco recipe I found.  Just add chicken breasts and a container of Trader Joe’s frozen mango salsa and you’ve got dinner.

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We also took Sloan to her first gymnastic class a few weeks at Flip’s in Bountiful.  It went ok.  Suffice to say that Sloan has enough energy to be a pro – but lacks discipline.  Her USA get-up totally killed it, though.


We got to visit Mimi and Papa a couple of Sundays ago.  Some of Sloan’s highlights were jumping on the tramp with Papa and completely covering herself and all her clothing in berry juices.  RIP to those white cut-off shorts…


Amongst all the family time, we had a great Father’s Day weekend.  We got to celebrate our #1 Dad up in Park City for the weekend.  We ate sushi for dinner [Sloan had her first taste of a California roll and didn’t hate it], tried our hand at bowling, put Sloan to bed, and used our monitor to go out on the deck and roast s’mores only 15 feet away from our room.


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The next morning we woke up and went on a nearby hike.  The early hours meant the temps were lower and for a second it felt like it was still spring.


We spent the rest of the day up in Ogden with the Hendersons celebrating Mark and the other dad’s for an early Father’s Day BBQ.  Sloan basically set up camp at the little splash pad the entire time.


She is not quite ready for the mountain yet.  She doesn’t understand the concept of gravity WHATSOEVER.


We had a fantastic holiday on Sunday for Father’s Day.  Sloan gave Zach extra loves on his big day.


Sloan also went to nursery for the first time and didn’t even notice we left her.  Like didn’t even whine or turn her head to look at us as we walked out the door.  I was kind of bugged about it, I’ll be honest.  Sometimes a mom wants to feel needed – but I couldn’t have been more proud of her.  I tried to get a decent photo of us, but this was the longest she would sit still in my arms.


I loved peeking in on her through the tiny window in the door.  She was having the time of her life.  IMG_2316

We had Sunday dinner that evening at my aunt and uncle’s house.

We had a cluster of birthday’s to celebrate the last few weeks as well.  We went up to Ogden for our brother-in-law’s 40th birthday.  It was at Tona with all his family and friends, we were so glad to be able to attend.  His cake was incredible:  golf and sushi.  Kelly has great taste.


Later we went out to eat for my brother’s birthday at From Scratch.  Sloan loves Bubba, and chants his name on the daily.


And because my dad’s birthday was on Sunday, we had them both over to our house for Sunday dinner.  I made chocolate cake [more bread] and we ate a meal made up of almost 100 percent carbohydrates.  Sloan is my little baking assistant.  She loves to watch the mixer do it’s magic and usually assists me by rummaging through the drawers that she can reach into and tossing whatever the contents are at me.


I feel like I’ve missed a lot of what we have done the last few weeks.  I have a few new projects that I’ve been hired to do, which is always exciting and overwhelming, but we’re managing.  June has come and gone and July and August will fly even faster, I’m convinced.  We’re just doing all that we can to enjoy all the time together with family and friends.


The last portion of our trip was in Rome.  We didn’t know it, but this would turn out to be our favorite part of the whole trip.  We took the train from Venice to Rome.  We almost missed that train when they suddenly changed our platform with NO warning, but luckily we all got on (with all our luggage) in time.

We didn’t waste any time [I feel like this was the theme of our trip, actually].  We checked into our hotel and then walked to the Colosseum.  IMG_1660 IMG_1602

After our walkabout we made our way over to the Roman Forum.  This was Zach and I’s first time here – we’ve never spent more than 24 hours in Rome at a time, so we were never able to make it in the past.  It was truly fascinating. IMG_1666


After the forum we were all starving.  We had plans to dine at a place overlooking the Colosseum, but it was completely booked for the entire weekend.  So, at the suggestion of our concierge at the hotel, we dined at Pizza Circo.  BEST pizza I’ve had in Italy thus far.  If we ever make it back to Rome – we’re dining here every night.  IMG_1748

We walked back to our hotel from the restaurant.  The ladies made a stop in Zara – where they literally were forced us out because they were trying to close – but that didn’t stop us from a few solid purchases.  Those men of ours waited patiently outside the entire time.

The next morning we made our way over to the Vespa rental shop.  Turns out they messed up our reservation, but luckily we found five Vespas at another location.  It turned out to be better, perhaps, because we got hooked up with some pretty impressive scooters.  The whole Vespa rental was a major topic of discussion between Zach and I before the trip.  Zach was convinced it wasn’t a good (or safe) idea, but I pushed back.  I’ll admit I was a bit hesitant when they told us we had to have “experience driving Vespas” or “had to have motorcycle licenses”.  Luckily Zach once owned a scooter and both my mom and aunt had motorcycle licenses.  Like 30 years ago, but still.  We smiled and nodded at the shop owner – convincing him we were totally capable of maneuvering the busy streets of Rome.

I had mapped out a whole route for our Vespa gang.  We were going from one monument to the next, in a zig-zag pattern all over the city.  Let me preface this adventure by saying how incredibly dangerous Vespa scooters have the potential to be.  Zach was driving our scooter and I was on the back navigating on my phone.  One hand holding onto the safety bar, the other hand scrolling around on my phone.  Rome is just like any other big city when it comes to commuters, but Vespa driving through Rome is not for the faint of heart, that’s for sure.  Especially on those multi-lane roundabouts!


We drove to the Pantheon first, then had lunch nearby Trevi Fountain.  After Trevi we drove to the Piazza Navona.  We stopped for gelato and sat in the shade.  Our last stop was Piazza de Popolo, which was very close to our dinner destination.

We ate at a trendy rooftop restaurant.  The food was good, but the view was even better.




We decided to drive back to the hotel to grab some warmer layers so we could go back out on our Vespas after the sun went down.  IMG_1703

We took my family to see the Colosseum all lit up at night – my favorite way to see the monument.  This is where a select few of us had a scary run-in with a bus.  Luckily, nobody was hurt – but only inches away, truthfully.  IMG_1696

We rode our Vespa’s back to our hotel, but not before we stopped for our second round of gelato.  IMG_1749

The next morning we still had our Vespas [we had rented them for 24 hours] so we decided we needed to squeeze every penny out of our rental.  We rode around the city until we had to return them at 11:00 am.  We got lunch afterwards near the Vatican at Pastasciutta.  It was the best pasta I had the whole trip.  The pesto was out of this world.

We then walked over to St. Peter’s to walk through the Basilica.  Afterwards we all walked over to the Vatican Museum so we could see the Sistine Chapel.  (Ignore the angle of this photo – there are still no photos allowed, so we had to get creative.)FullSizeRender-6

Then we took an Uber back to the hotel before dinner.  We walked through one of the most charming neighborhoods and had pizza at a busy and very popular local pizza place.  It was our last night of the trip and we all couldn’t believe how fast it had actually happened.

We made our way back to our hotel and stopped for our last few scoops of gelato.  IMG_1724

Rome surprised both Zach and I.  I think the Vespas will go down as one of the best things we did.  Definitely not the safest, Zach was absolutely right, but the most enjoyable by far.

We had been planning and anticipating this trip for over a year.  It came and went so fast, it didn’t even feel like two weeks.  Luckily, coming home was easier than ever.  We had a little girl waiting for us at home that we literally couldn’t stay away from any longer.

I’m so grateful we had the opportunity to make these memories with my family.  It was definitely a once in a lifetime trip.  I know we’ll never get to do something like this again with our entire crew – especially because our family is only going to get bigger from here on out – and it’s only going to get more difficult to go on vacations in general.  But the time we had together we’ll never forget, as cheese ball as it sounds.  I love my family and loved every moment of these two weeks together with them.




The next day we flew Air France from Paris to Venice.  We gave ourselves plenty of time and arrived early at the airport (CDG is always tricky) and relaxed for a bit beforehand.  Our flight arrived in Venice late afternoon.  We all hopped on a water taxi to the city which took about an hour.  I hadn’t been to venice for 8 years.  There really is no city on earth like it.  When we all got off our stop with all of our luggage it started to POUR.  We rolled as fast as we could through the alley ways until we finally spotted our hotel, which was tucked away in a hidden little courtyard.  IMG_1462

After we checked in we all met up and walked to dinner.


Unfortunately the place I had found to eat at was closed – a lot of places close early in Venice, apparently.  So we picked a place nearby and hunkered down for some carbo-loading.  The rain started up as we were walking home, but that didn’t stop some from experiencing their first Italian gelato.

The next morning we all gathered up to see the sites.  We found a “hole” 10 yards from the courtyard entrance to our hotel where Zach and Blake had WAY too much fun scaring unexpecting tourists riding by on gondolas.


Then we walked over Rialto Bridge to the Rialto Market.  We did some shopping and then took in one of the best views in the whole city.  IMG_1478

For lunch we walked over to Dal Moro’s [Fresh Pasta to Go].  There was a line out the door and down the alley, but we managed to walk away with giant containers of authentic homemade pasta.  IMG_1745

And because it’s socially acceptable to get gelato multiple times a day – we started early.  IMG_1482


We crossed a few bridges and made our way over to St. Mark’s Square.  IMG_1486

Luckily, Gary went in to Tour Guide Mode and directed us to the entrance of the church.  FullSizeRender-2-1


Then we split into couples (sans my uncle, we had literally walked him to death) and boarded our gondolas.  We shared a gondola with my brother and sister-in-law.  It is always a highlight of Venice.  No matter how many times you’ve done it, it is by far the best way to see the city.  IMG_1560

Then we split up briefly.  My parents, Blake and Britt, and my aunt all went shopping.  Zach and I found some sodas and a shady spot by the water to watch the boats.


Later that evening we all met up again for dinner.  My family surprised Zach and I with the most hilarious purchase possible.  Zach had brought his Yeezy’s on the trip and my mom couldn’t stop asking him about them.  Why were they named Yeezy’s?  Who was Yeezy?  When we split up that afternoon they happened to walk into a little store who sold knock-offs and all four of them purchased a pair.  They all put them on and wore them for dinner.  I couldn’t stop laughing about it…FullSizeRender-3


That night we had dinner at an Osteria just a short walk away from our hotel.  The crab and zucchini pasta blew. my. mind.


Afterwards we grabbed gelato [again] and found a spot by the water.  There was a gondola docked right by our feet along with an abandoned hat.  Zach hopped on for a quick photo op and seconds later the gondolier showed up, madder than a hornet.  Zach kept telling him how nice his boat was, but that didn’t make him any less upset.  We got out of there as quick as we could.


We ended our last night in Venice in a random courtyard until the sun went completely down.    FullSizeRender-1-1

Venice is such a small city.  You could walk from one end to the other in 30 minutes – maybe less.  That’s why we only spent a day and a half there – which was enough time to see all the sights and eat way too much gelato.