Big Girls Don’t Cry

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Yesterday was…pretty hard.    So hard, in fact, that I cried at work.  Ugh.  I promised myself I would never cry in front of the men I work with, because it would only make me seem more like a…girl?  I have a lot of responsibility at my new job, and didn’t want my emotions to ever get in the way…but that is exactly what happened.  The stress of all my random assignments and responsibilities for work (and non-work related things) came ALL TOGETHER crashing down and I had an…overreaction.

I had Relief Society visits scheduled for later in the evening – but they were canceled.  So on my way home from work I ran all my random errands I had to and happened to drive past an art store.  I wanted to do something to take my mind of my horrific day – so I went inside the art store.  I left the art store with the biggest canvas they had on sale, a random assortment of acrylic paint, and two paint brushes.  I got home, washed all my smudged make-up off, and painted.  I had found a painting on Pinterest by one of my favorite artists recently and decided to give it a go…but added some neon paint in the mix.  I never thought art was therapeutic, until last night.  I guess because my kind of “art” requires a computer and a clunky mouse.

The finished product.

I know now what I am going to do the next time a bad day rolls around.

  • julianne nelsen
    February 17, 2012

    oh my katie that is amazing. Awesome job. I always was jealous of your coloring at the great calvin smith. 🙂

    • K + Z
      February 17, 2012

      My COLORING!??? Oh Juli, I love you! Your comment brought back some funny memories!