And That’s What’s Up

I am sure people think I am a “Stage 5 Clinger”, missing my husband so much.  I will be the first to admit, IT’S TRUE.  Want a little insight into why I am so in love with him?  Here are a few examples from this week alone:

When I arrived home from my first day of work, I found this…

A balloon in the freezer.  That was tied to ice cream.

I’ve worked late every day this week, and have totally left him to fend for himself.  I barely even made it to his championship roller hockey game.  That’s how sucky of a wife I have been.  Luckily, Team Classic was victorious!  Zach got the most goals and most assists in their league.  (Apparently stats are super important in Roller Hockey).  I wasn’t even there to help him “carbo load” before the big event.  He had to make himself a box of that instant macaroni and cheese.

THEN, Thursday morning Zach left for Lake Powell with his family.  I obviously couldn’t go because I didn’t think that my new boss would love me leaving on a vacation only three days into the game.  I cried the whole drive to work.  When I got home, I looked at our chalk board in our kitchen and found this…

And…I cried again.  I have been TOTALLY neglecting my sweet husband, and he didn’t forget about me.  Not even once.  Finally when I was available, he was gone.  So I got to work on a list of things to do, or a list of distractions to keep myself busy until he gets home.  I am really close to finishing my “Modern Family Tree”, all I need is a few more names.  Here comes strike three…notice the only names I don’t know:  Zach’s side of the family.  Crap.  See?  Another ‘horrible wife’ moment.

Even though I have been striking out lately, he continued being amazing.  Calling me every single day he’s been gone.

And the BEST HUSBAND AWARD goes to:

The love of my life.  And that’s what’s up.

  • Angie
    June 26, 2011

    That family tree is amazing–I would love to commission one for my parents for Christmas or something. If I can afford you 🙂

    Does it mean I don’t love Jordan as much if I don’t cry when he leaves somewhere? I’ve just never been that way. Who knows.

  • Tara
    June 26, 2011

    Katie, I am exactly the same way! I get super emotional sometimes. I love the “stage 5 clinger” comment (one of my faves although I probably should not admit that!). Classic 😉 It is probably a lot harder knowing that he is in Lake Powell, the best place on earth! That would definitely be enough to make me cry for sure! I hope I’m not making your feel worse! haha. Congrats to Zach on his big roller hockey victory! Good luck this week!

  • K + Z
    June 27, 2011

    Ang, send me all the info and the colors you want and I will do you a family tree, no prob! Tara, thanks for backin’ me up girl! We know that missing Lake Powell only makes it harder!