Weekend Warriors

Our weekends lately have been jammed, and we love it!

Friday, Zach and I went to the Bountiful Temple for Date Night.  It was much needed.  I always look forward to vacations because it feels so amazing to get away.  Unfortunately, I forget about a mini “escape” that is closer than we both realize.  I need to utilize the temple more for an escape, because that is exactly what it is.  After we were done, we ended the night with Zach’s favorite:  chips and salsa at Applebees.

Saturday, I worked at the Spring Home & Garden show all day.  It is pretty exhausting being on your feet all day, answering the same questions over and over, but I enjoy watching the people and I even got a visit from my ENTIRE family.  Yes, my dad was telling potential costumers all about the grade of the stainless steel sink in our display.  Don’t ask.  I swear my boss wanted to hire him.  Later, we met up with Zach’s family at Market Street Grill to celebrate my mother-in-law’s 60th Birthday!  Happy Birthday Jeanene, we love you SO VERY MUCH!  We got to meet our new nephew Aiden, and visit with Zach’s brother Sean and his wife Siri who are here from Philadelphia.  We ended the night with a movie, where we were possibly the loudest laughing couple in the whole theater.

Lastly, today Aiden was blessed and we got to have a delish lunch at good ‘ole Classic.  Thanks Siri and Sean for hosting the whole fam!  THEN (I know) we headed to my grandparents’ house for some roast and potatoes!  As always, WAY too many stories and a lot of laughs.  Grandma always busts out an awesome Sunday dinner.

We love our families, our weekends, and our time together.  It’s what gets us through the week!

Zach’s Whip…

Well, we finally found it.  It only took us a WHOLE YEAR (almost) to find a replacement for Black Beauty.

Just in case you didn’t know, my husband researches EVERYTHING.  I am not saying it bothers me, because I value the time he spends finding really specific details.  When we decided to replace BB (Black Beauty) the research began.  He soon became an expert on his favorite options.  We considered handfuls of makes and models, and finally found the one that was perfect for us.  It’s not brand new, but it’s new to us!  Zach’s just glad to have an air conditioner that works!

And no, we haven’t decided on a name yet.  It’s kind of a funny tradition that cars get their own specific name in Zach’s family.  He used to call his white Jeep Whitesnake (not unlike the 80’s rock band).

Don’t worry, the research hasn’t stopped…now he’s moved on to guns.  Great.  Hopefully when we have babies he’ll be all into researching for that!  What?  Can’t a wife dream??


This weekend has been stressful.  I had a baby shower, bridal shower, and my father-in-law’s Birthday dinner – not to mention I had to teach the lesson in Relief Society  – not to mention I am helping three people with their wedding inviations.  Luckily, my full-time job has slowed down a bit.  And at my friend Amy’s bridal shower, I got to see some of my friends and this sweet face…

So maybe not THIS exact face (turns out she doesn’t LOVE ice water like her mom)…but the baby girl in general!  And at dinner with my family for my father-in-law’s birthday I got to see all the adults and chat with them.  It is a rare thing when ALL of us can be together and I love it.  Zach has an amazing family.  And his Dad, Mark, got to eat his favorite Split Pea Soup…

Later that day I got to attend a baby shower with my mom for a neighbor who FINALLY has the amazing opportunity of becoming a mother.  What an emotional day – to see her so happy to be carrying a healthy baby girl.  Such an amazing blessing.  We are so happy for her.

So today it was my turn to teach the presidency message in Relief Society, and I chose to speak on “Looking for the Good”.  If you haven’t read this message in this month’s Ensign, it’s definitely worth reading.  Short and Sweet.  (Turns out preparing a lesson on a message that is SHORT and sweet is a lot harder than you would think.)  I shared this experiment, and I love it!  Want to improve your attitude towards others are yourself?  Try this:  EXPERIMENT

After my lesson I felt so relieved.  When I got home I showered, put some fresh sheets on my bed, and we took a Sunday nap.  From 1:00 – 5:00 pm.  I can’t remember the last time we did that.

I’m overwhelmed with happiness.  I’ve always felt happy and SO lucky.  But these last few weeks, my blessing have hit me like a ton of bricks.  I have the best husband in the entire world.  He supports me in everything, without even a flicker of hesitation.  He gives me priesthood blessings.  He prays with me.   My two amazing families who make my life more enjoyable.  Some of them I’ve only known a couple of years, and I love them just as much as my blood relatives.  A calling that has helped me grow.  I love the ladies in my ward.  I pray for them and my heart breaks for them when they struggle.  For the first time in my life I have a realization of a “ward family”.  They are my sisters.  I would feel so ungrateful if I didn’t express my love for all of the people in my life, and most importantly, the gospel.

I hope you all had a great Sunday….

Hearts – ?

I like hearts.  I do.  But only in certain applications.  I love them at Valentine’s and I love them tastefully in jewelry.  But sometimes hearts can be used terribly, TERRIBLY wrong.

I have been asked to help a girl design her wedding invitations:

Her colors?  Light Pink (Also not my favorite)

Her one request?  Hearts.  IN LIGHT PINK.

Being an interior designer/graphic designer would be incredibly easy if you could design everything the way YOU wanted to.  The challange is that you have to take parts and pieces that you may not like (or hate even) and make them….beautiful?  Or at least….acceptable.

They still aren’t my absolute favorite, but I am learning that if someone ELSE loves it…

Then I’ve done alright.

The Oscars & Los Angeles

Last night Zach and I joined my family at my Aunt’s house for a night of the Oscars and Taco Soup.

We voted best dressed:  Hilary Swank and Halle Berry!

I LOVE watching the Oscars.  It’s the only award show I watch every single year.  Zach made himself some cheesy chips and braved my critical comments about what everyone was wearing and their hairstyles.  Although we weren’t thrilled with all of the winners in each category, it did get us really excited for this…

Zach and I booked our flights to LA as soon as we got home.  We’ve never been together, only separately with our friends and families.  Zach can’t stop thinking about surfing.  I just want to wear open-toed shoes!

Walt Disney Concert Hall

Farmer’s Market

Getty Center

Zuma Beach

I wish March could go in fast forward….

Happy V-Day!

This year, I was in charge of planning the Valentines Celebration.  I couldn’t really think of anywhere monumental that I wanted to take Zach for the big night, besides I knew EVERYWHERE would be crazy.  We have been going out constantly (for my birthday, with my friends, with his friends) and I wanted to switch it up.

I made dinner!  But not just ANY dinner, a meal with all of his favorite things:

For an appetizer – Chips and Salsa

For the main course – Chicken Stir-Fry

For dessert – a Frazil (if you don’t know what a Frazil is…please see this link.)

Before we ate, we exchanged gifts.  We couldn’t wait any longer.  Zach brought me back some awesome stuff from the Marc Jacobs store in Georgia, and I got him a pair of bomb.com shoes.

It was low key, but just what we needed.  Ok, just what I NEEDED.  I loved having him alone to myself, especially after his trip for the jet convention and all of our family stuff lately.  Just the two of us (with Pretty Little Liars and the Bachelor in the background).  Best night ever with my best friend.  I love my Valentine.