Eclectic Weekend

Besides my little hiccup with Silvie, the rest of our week/weekend was pretty great.

I get to drive around a sa-weet new rental SUV for a couple of weeks until Silvie gets some new doors and other such repairs. She is black, so I have nick-named her Midnight.  We decided to take her for a spin during the first snow of the season as Zach and I drove it up to Ogden on Friday to go out for sushi with Zach’s sister and our brother-in-law.  That meant I got to cuddle with my niece Charlie.

After we went to see a flick at the new Centerville theater, Tower Heist.  It was pretty good, but the fact that they had gelato at this theater made up for the average movie.

Saturday, I received a special package from my boys at adidas Outdoor.  They seriously hooked me up for Christmas, and all the men in my family have been officially checked off my Christmas list.  THANK YOU!

After a fun filled day of cleaning house, watching the Utah game, and laundry…we set off for date night once again.  Arella, in Bountiful, is one of our local favorites for pasta and pizza.

Sunday night we had Zach’s parents over for dinner.  We love spending time with Mark and Jeanene, we always have great conversation and lots of laughs.  Aaaaaaand I didn’t burn anything, which is always good.

Overall, a successful and eclectic weekend.

And It’s Only Wednesday!

I’m only half way through my week and I’ve had a whole MONTH worth of excitement.  Let’s see…

Obviously Halloween was a big ta-do, but I also got to babysit my boss’s puppy (Jac) Monday.  Turns out he likes to hang out under my desk…and take naps by my feet.  I love this little man.  My boss will say, “Go to your girlfriend’s office” and he’ll come running in through my door!

My prototype from China showed up!  This is super exciting because adidas Eyewear (yeah, adidas is not capitalized – they are too cool for proper grammar) has purchased my design for a 12 unit locking display cabinet.  It was honestly the highlight of my whole year thus far!!  It is so fun to see something you design come to life…or production, rather.  Look for it at all major eye wear distributers coming this December!

Tuesday was our final weigh-in for our family Health Contest we are doing, so to celebrate…Zach and I stuffed our faces at Rodizio after we stepped on the scale.  I ate enough glazed pineapple to make myself sick.  Literally.

This morning I woke up, drove to work, and got T-boned by a guy who failed to stop at a Stop Sign.

Luckily, I only got a few bruises and some aches and pains to show for it.  But poor Silvie…she’s in worse condition.  Once again, LUCKILY it wasn’t my fault.  Dad…did you hear that!?  The accident WAS NOT MY FAULT! (My high-school days were riddled with minor and major traffic violations.)  The poor guy who hit me came right out and said he didn’t even see the stop sign, so I was free and clear from a citation.  Luckily, my cute neighbor was nearby to go get Zach for me – he was in the shower and wasn’t answering his phone.  Because people don’t take phones in the shower with them.  Steve Jobs, why didn’t you THINK OF THAT!?  Just kidding.

My sweet co-workers drove me to lunch to my favorite place, and even bought me a slice of my favorite Nutella cheesecake.  (Thanks Jason!)

So yeah, another weird week under my sleeve I guess?  Like I said, it’s only Wed!

Halloween Weekend 2011

This whole weekend was kind of a blur, but here are some moments worth noting:

Visiting at the ward Trunk-or Treat

Utah vs. Oregon – The Blackout Game.

Date night at Market Street for delicious fish and clam chowder.

The annual cookie decorating festival with family and friends:  Cooper and Carter B decorating their pumpkin cookies.

Some people taking it more seriously than others….Uncle Ken with his “Triple Decker”.

Sushi and a scary movie (our Halloween tradition until we have kiddies to cart around for trick-or-treating).

Late night visits to the store for treasures…

Background:  I think Zach was a little overcome with the Halloween spirit.  I needed to run to the craft store before our date out and he runs right up to the Call of Duty Posters, posing and making shooting sounds.

Then he found a surveillance camera, and danced in front of it…for a while.

After our sushi and a late movie, Zach and I were in tears trying to find Lindsay Lohan’s music video…you know, this one:

Soon followed by Ashlee Simpson’s “Piece of Me”, Jessica Simpson’s “I’m Loving Angels Instead”, and some horrible song Zach loves by Tracy Chapman.

This is why we shouldn’t stay up late on school nights, or work nights I guess…

It was a weird weekend, bottom line.

Hope you all had a fantastic HALLOWEEN!!!

As a Matter of Maps

Our office is COVERED in maps.  Manhattan, Chicago (the most recent purchase), San Francisco that I saw on a Graphic Design Blog, and so on…

I finally got our “gallery wall” all hung up while Zach was gone.  All I need now is the window shade, and that room is complete.  We’ve lived in this house for two years, next week…and we only have one room completely finished.  At least it is a start!

What We Women Do

Zach left Friday as planned for his week-long hunting extravaganza with the men in his family.  Turns out my Dad is also gone (for almost THREE WEEKS) for an out-of-state job, so my Mom became my partner in crime over the weekend.  Here is what we did:


Friday night a bunch of us gal pals all went out to dinner – Lori (my Mom’s friend), Mom, Aunt Tammy, and Lindsy.  We grubbed at Macaroni Grill and then sped off to see my long awaited favorite:

It was great, still not as great as the original, but we all enjoyed it!  It made me realize two things:  J Hough has a gorgeous bod, and I will NEVER let my 17-year-old daughter dance like her.

We were HANDY:

Saturday I had a whole list of chores to do.  Those that visit our home frequently know how horrible our shoe problem is in our garage.  We kick them off right as we enter the house, and they form a large ring around our door.  So, I did a top to bottom sweep of the place and assembled a handy metal rack from Home Depot.  Zach will be so proud when he comes home!

I had also promised my grandpa that I would go door shopping with him.  I know this sounds like a minor task, but you don’t know my grandfather.  He is a retired carpenter and automobile mechanic, so he’s pretty much the handiest guy around.  He does research on EVERYTHING he purchases.  I made my mom come along with us, knowing that I would need some support.  We spent TWO and a HALF HOURS at several hardware stores, but to no avail.  We finally left after GPa got in a fight with some sales guy, criticizing his knowledge of screen doors.  Awkward.

We were CRAFTY:

I am not a seamstress, but she happens to be pretty good with a sewing machine.  I found a really amazing scarf at UO, but wasn’t willing to pay 80 bones for it.  It so happens (a miracle from heaven) that I found a similar Navajo-esque fabric at JoAnn’s a day later.  This is where my mom’s skillz came in.

She helped me sew my circle scarf (which was actually pretty basic).  We stayed up until 2:00 am doing more crazy crafts (thanks to freaking Pinterest) and munching on mini Twix bars.  My mom was mentioning she wanted a cute Thanksgiving print to put in her house, so we came up with these…


I found this bad A fur blanket for Zach and I’s bed.  I am really into fur lately – fur collar liners, fur pillows, fur hats…so when I saw this blanket I HAD to have it.  My mom thinks it’s, quote “wild” but I think it is AWESOME!!!

I begged her to sleep over at my house that night so we could experience it, but I think the fur made her uncomfortable.


Sunday after church I went BACK to my Mom’s for dinner and MORE projects.  We were graced with my aunt’s presence again when she came over to make T-Shirt scarves with us (yes, we made plenty of scarves this weekend).  They are SO easy, and we made almost 10 of them after raiding my brother’s closet.

What scares me is that Zach has only been gone for three days.  He doesn’t get home until Thursday night.  I can’t even imagine the projects we can come up with in four more days.

Zach is going to come home to a DIY explosion!

Reunited For A Day With Casper

This week dragged on pretty slowly, considering Zach was gone in Vegas until Wednesday.  I kept myself busy catching up on laundry, cleaning the house, and reading my new book.  Thursday was the only whole day we spent together (and technically that isn’t accurate because we both were at work) before I left for the weekend.

I spent Friday, Saturday, and Sunday up in Park City with some girl friends.  It was heavenly, and so relaxing that I didn’t even remember to take one picture.  The only motivation to come back home was to see Zach!

When I got home Sunday night, we left quickly to go up to Ogden for the annual Henderson Pumpkin Carving Night.  This year was a little unique.  For Easter Zach dresses as the Easter Bunny.  His parents recently purchased him a Thanksgiving Turkey costume as well, so that will become a tradition.  But this Halloween, Zach was asked to dress up as a “Nice Ghost”.  So while I was gone over the weekend, Zach and his parents shopped for the only ghost costume they could find.

Here he is, my spooky spouse…

I was worried at first that the kids would be terrified.  The plan was made by Zach’s dad, Mark:  the kiddies were each given a little laser pointer/flashlight and were all going to go hunting for ghosts!  Zach was hiding in the backyard.  It ended with him running through Mark and Jeanene’s backyard with a million minis following him.

Here is the whole crew (minus Addie, Connor, Aiden, Charlie, and Frankie) – with Zach in the center.  I am sure most of them figured out it was uncle Zach, but for the youngest ones…it was awesome!  Notice the “Ghost Finders” on their fingers…

Last but not least, Family night last night!

Zach won a gift certificate to Winger’s at a golf tournament, and begged me to go there for dinner for Family Night.  I despise Winger’s, but agreed to celebrate his winnings with him.  After our delicous meal we went to a movie down in Salt Lake, at the theater on 3300 S.  I don’t know if it was something he ate, or the pure excitement of getting a free meal…but Zach was CRAZY.  He was yelling/rapping in line for his popcorn and in the  theater.  Then he would NOT stop talking about the new Pixar movie, Puss in Boots (which is not currently playing in theaters.)  I swear he talked about if for 30 minutes.  I couldn’t believe how wild he was, it was like he was all hopped up on candy!  When he told me he wanted to go to the bathroom before the movie started, I was a bit relieved…thinking maybe he needed a moment to simmer down.  10 seconds after I saw him disappear out of the theater, I got a picture message of the movie poster for Puss and Boots and could hear him laughing from outside the theater.  He was seriously OBSESSED.  Maybe it was the immature 12-year-old in him that kept saying “Puss” thinking it was hilarious…I couldn’t tell you!

I love Zach so much, he is such a good sport.  Not only with his family and their hilarious activities, but with his crazy Winger’s hating wife.  I’m glad to have him back, but only to kiss him goodbye on Friday for a long hunting trip.  (Remind me why I love October again…?)  I’m glad I have several fun dinner dates planned to keep me occupied.

Please pray my husband doesn’t shoot himself or any member of his family.  Also please pray he doesn’t shoot an animal so I won’t have to see it hanging in our garage as a prize.